Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Mixed Analysis -Environmental Impact of Aviation (Noise Pollution) Assignment

Mixed Analysis -Environmental Impact of Aviation (Noise Pollution) - Assignment Example In the opinion scaled used, zero will denote no annoyance or no health effects while ten will show completely annoyed or adverse health effect (Heise, 2010). Perceptions on effects of the noise on quality of life and attitude towards the noise will however be described from open-ended questions. 9. Procedure: Stratified random sampling will be used to sample participants. Residence and work location will be the bases for stratification. A sample of 115 participants, with at least 30 percent of participants from each stratum, will be used for the quantitative aspect. Twenty-three of the participants, 16 people living in the affected areas, and 7 people working in the affected areas will then be selected from the sample, for the qualitative aspects of the study. Questionnaires will be used to collect data on closed-ended questions while focus groups will be used to collect data on open-ended questions. The strata will form two focus groups. Rigor: Reliance on participants’ experiences and informed consent will ensure credibility and dependability of results and conclusion of the study. Incorporated quantitative approach and large sample size will induce reliability and validity to inform transferability of the results. 10. Data analysis: The researcher will use participants’ perspective to develop meaning from collected qualitative data and researcher’s rationale and background knowledge on the subject will help to bridge gaps within a participant’s responses. Regression analysis will however evaluate the quantitative aspects of the study 11. Consent: The study will target communities that are exposed to aircraft noise by virtue of living or working near the source of the noise. Each respondent will be informed of the scope of the study. Respondents’ consent will then be sought, in writing, by asking them if they can participate in the study. Obtaining informed

Monday, October 28, 2019

Persuasive Speech Essay Example for Free

Persuasive Speech Essay Persuasive Speech Attention Getter: I would like to start my presentation off by telling you all to ask yourselves a series of fairly straight forward questions. I want you to take a look at you’re, any hand and ask your selves â€Å"Who’s hand is this? † Do the same with your other hand, and now both legs and your arms if you would like. If I am not mistaking the answer to all your questions are mine right. They are your hands, legs, and arms. What I am trying to get through to you all today is that your body is your body and that a person should be able to profit of his or her own body if done in a safe and controlled way. Audience Motivation: By attending this presentation today you will come to realize that some of the laws and effects of prostitution are scoured and misunderstood. You will see that prostitution is not all bad like it is portrayed to be. Speaker Credibility: I have researched and been intrigued of this topic for several years now. While reading numerous books, articles and also speaking with two former prostitutes whom they would like their name to stay anonymous. I feel as though I have gained the knowledge to successfully debate the controversial issue of legalizing prostitution here in America. Thesis Statement: While supporting the legalization of prostitution I will provide you all with accurate and up to date statistical information concerning prostitution and how the anti-prostitution laws are clearly not working. I will give you some benefits on is to why prostitution should be legal, and why we can make prostitution a safe job for males and females. Main Body A. According to an article titled â€Å"The Oldest Profession† Published in 2009 by Prostitute’s Education Network in New York, Arrest figures in 2009 range over 500,000 and over 2 million people in the US have worked as prostitutes. Anti-prostitution laws are not working the frequency of prostitution is not been affected by anti-prostitution laws. For instance over the past decade prostitution has steadily increased by 9%. What anti-prostitution laws have done is merely drive prostitution underground, creating a much more dangerous situation for prostitutes, their customers, and society. Currently most everywhere in the United States, our legal system penalizes prostitutes and their customers for what they do as consenting adults. Money is still spent on law enforcement efforts to catch prostitutes and their customers. Once caught, justice departments have to process these people through very expensive systems. What are the end results? Police personnel and courtrooms are overburdened with these cases, having little or no impact on prostitution. The prostitutes and their customers pay their fines and are back to the streets in no time in a revolving door process. Catch and release may work for recreational fishing but it has no deterring effect on prostitution. Verbal Citation: (Journal Article): â€Å"The Oldest Profession† by James Rupert Published by Prostitute’s Education Network in 2009 B. When reading an article titled â€Å"Legalized Prostitution† published in 2010, by The Liberator in New Jersey, it gave me some great facts on the benefits that would come out of the legalizing of prostitution. If you would think about it making prostitution legal will allow the act to be managed instead of ignored. Pimps and organized crime figures, which regularly treat their workers on subhuman levels, would no longer control women. In some countries, prostitute rings buy and sell women on the black market, force their women to comply through violence and create unhealthy working conditions. When prostitutes operate independently and in secret, many times they become abused by their own customers. Also It is estimated that 100,000 to 3 million teens are nearly invisibly prostituted per year in the United States. If we allow prostitution to remain hidden from view and basically invisible to the law as it is today, we allow a number of teens to be swept up into prostitution every year. When adult women decide to exchange money for sex, it is a personal choice open to them under a free democratic society. When troubled minors who do not yet have the social survival skills decide to prostitute, they are often manipulated by opportunists who exploit these teens, typically leading to horrific ends. Regulated prostitution has many benefits encounters can happen within controlled environments that bring about safety for both the customers and the prostitutes. Prostitutes would no longer be strong-armed by pimps or organized crime rings. Underage prostitution would be significantly cut. Another benefit on the government side is that making prostitution legal would mean that it is a business and as such is subject to taxation and government regulation. During recent stories a girl who called herself a hofessional and said that she made half a million dollars last year doing something that she enjoyed. She said that she plans to retire at age 30 as a millionaire and then get married and have a family. Taxes on several girls with that kind of income would make quite a bit of revenue plus from all the pimps and other related businesses not to be forgotten and this money can easily go to helping the economy. Verbal Citation: (journal Article) by Patrick Hatcher published, by The Liberator in 2010 C. Lastly after speaking with the two former prostitutes who shall remain unnamed they brought to my attention that legalizing prostitution it would provide a healthier living place. This is why; the health of the girls would be monitored weekly if it was legalized. There are about 30 legal brothels operating in Nevada at the moment, and the girls and guys in them are all checked for Sexually Transmitted Diseases and many other things such as cervical cancer, uterine cancer, and breast cancer several times a month. If the girls are healthy and disease free then that means the customers wont be passing around any problems to other partners. With all the disease and other medical problems being brought in by all these illegal immigrants, legalizing and monitoring the prostitutes would help eliminate at least one source of disease. Conclusion: While advocating for the legalization of prostitution, I have brought forth to you strong statistical facts showing that anti-prostitution laws are not cutting it, benefits that prostitution will provide, and how we can make prostitution a safe occupation. Thank you.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Siege of the Iranian Embassy Essay -- Papers

The Siege of the Iranian Embassy On April 30th 1980 a six man Iraqi terrorist group burst into the Iranian embassy. The embassy in Princes Gate, London, contained 20 people, which included a police constable. The terrorist wanted the release of 91 political prisoners from jail in Iran and a plane for them to escape. If their demands were not met they would execute all the hostages and blow up the Embassy. The Metropolitan Police invited B Squadron, 22 SAS onto the scene. Within hours of the siege starting they had set up observation posts and where monitoring the terrorists. Major Jeremy Phipps who had been in the SAS for 15 years, and had fought in Borneo and Oman now commanded B squadron. He started developing plans to break into the embassy and free the hostages. A high-ranking group of government ministers and officials decided that it would be best to negotiate. For five days the SAS practiced their plans for the siege as the negotiations dragged on. On May 5th the terrorists' patience cracked and they shot dead a hostage, Abbas Lavasani. Listening devices inserted by the SAS picked up the terrorist plans, which included killing more hostages. The time for talk was over. The order to attack came from the top, the Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, 'The Iron Lady'. The police handed responsibility for the operation to the SAS at 19:07. Fourteen minutes later the assault began, operation 'Nimrod' was now underway. Four SAS men broke into the front of the Embassy after jumping over an adjoining balcony. They blew out the armoured windows with a 'frame charge' (A long strip of C4 explosives). An eight-strong rear team abseile... hostages might have died. The demands could have been met but this would leave the door open for further terrorist demands. The SAS had to protect the innocent and they did it. Even though some of the terrorists could have been arrested there was no practical way of doing this without them still being a risk to the hostages and SAS members. 39 bullets is a lot to kill one man, but if fired from more than one soldier in the heat of battle 39 isn't that many. Terrorists are dangerous; they have a single aim and their target has to be met without regard to life or property. Terrorists lose their right to a fair trial when they use innocent people in an attempt to get their demands meet. I believe the actions of the SAS and the fact that they are still active and operational allows people like us to sleep soundly.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Essay --

Introduction A marketing plan is a document which comprises of analysis of the current marketing situation, threats and opportunities of the firm, marketing objectives and strategy specified that has the 4 Ps, program of actions, and projected budget and income and other financial statements (Drummond, Ensor, & Ashford, 2008). The marketing plan consist of 3 main steps: 1) Planning Phase 2) Implementation Phase 3) Control Phase Figure: 3 Phases of Marketing Plan (Source: (Drummond, Ensor, & Ashford, 2008) ) A documented market plan helps in tracking the progress of the company or activity by providing a point of reference. While creating a new market plan around three end goals should be kept in mind. Having end goal in mind will help in efficient formulation of marketing Plan. Placing more goals will lead to dilution of efforts and shortage of resources for the company (Luke, 2013). Aim The report is creating a marketing plan for Tata global beverages limited to launch into Australian market with their new Green tea product. History Tata global beverage was set up as a joint venture between Tata Sons and the UK-based tea plantation company, James Finlay and Company in 1962. Tata Tea was born in 1983 after James Finlay sold his shareholding to Tata. The company set out on a path with global ambitions, evidenced by the acquisition of Tetley in 2000. This was followed by a string of strategic acquisitions including Good Earth, Jemca, Vitax, Eight O’ Clock Coffee and Himalayan Water (Tata Global Beverages, 2014). Source: (Tata Global Beverages, 2014). Following are different brands that come under Tata beverages: Source: (Tata Beverages, 2014) Tata Beverages has a wide variety of portfolio of products which ranges from dis... ...ers never asked for or thought were possible example Walkmans. Companies are trying to become more market driven and their major efforts go in retaining customers. Customer retention has become much more important than customer attraction because attracting new customer costs five times more than pleasing an existing one. (Kotler, Marketing Management Millenium Edition, 2002). Target Market The product will be targeting the following segment of population: 1) People from the age range of 15 to 35 both male and females. 2) Health conscious people preferably involved in regular work out. 3) People who are trying to switch to a healthier lifestyle and want to give up soft drinks. Competitor Analysis Competition is the most critical factor in marketing management and includes all of the actual and potential rival offerings and substitutes that a buyer might consider.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Notes on Cry Essay

The dance’s intent is to portray the struggle & strength of the African American women who were in the slave trade; how women so enslaved & trapped can still manage to be so free. â€Å"I heard about lynching’s, Having that kind of experience as a child left a feeling of rage in me that I think pervades my work† Alvin Ailey. â€Å"She rises again to wear the cloth as a shawl, then steps on its ends as if bound by it to the ground†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"The final posture mirrors the opening posture of the dance, suggesting a cyclical inevitable progression of frustration and despair†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Ailey has abstracted this narrative to portray the woman’s despair. BEEN ON A TRAIN The use of the percussive piano accents in relation to movement. For example, the dynamic emphasis of the gestures Ailey uses. â€Å"The power of Cry emanates from its defiantly shifting images of identity in its first section, the bottomless abyss of sorrow approached in its second section and the transcendent quality of ecstatic faith engaged in the third section.† â€Å" Cry became emblematic as an act of simultaneous defiance and release. As a depiction of contemporary African American  identity, the dance liberated audience and dancer in its  modernistic layering of movement genres, especially its  conspicuous use of neoAfrican  body part isolations.† In this work there are three distinct sections and for each new section, there is a new song that is played. The songs used in this work are ‘Something About John Coltrane’ by Alice Coltrane, ‘Been On A Train’ by Laura Nyro and ‘Right On. Be Free.’ by The Voices Of East Harlem. In a couple of these songs the word ‘north’ is used quite a bit. My personal  interpretation is that these slaves perhaps saw freedom and/or refuge in North America, wished to be there but something stopped them. She clearly demonstrated Ailey’s mother’s struggles as well as any other African American woman’s struggles at the time as a slave to their fight for freedom.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

What’s a Perfect PSAT Score and How to Get It

What’s a Perfect PSAT Score and How to Get It SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips The mission: a perfect score on the PSAT.The method: serious test prep. Achieving a perfect score is no easy feat, but with the right study plan and materials, you can master this important exam. This guide will go over what makes for a perfect score on the PSAT and how you can prep to conquer the test. Read on to learn how to succeed in your mission to get a perfect PSAT score, should you choose to accept it.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on Emerson and Transcendentalism

were infallible. One can see this in the following passage: We lie in the lap of immense intelligence, which makes us receivers of its truth and organ of its activity. When we discern justice, when we discern truth, we do nothing by ourselves, but allow a passage to its beams. If we ask whence this comes, if we seek to pry into the soul that causes, all philosophy is at fault. Its presence or its absence is all we can affirm. (Self-Reliance 1163) In the preceding passage reference to the divinity of humanity is made when he states â€Å"When we discern justice, we discern truth†. Another â€Å"truth† he discusses is the divinity of nature and mankind’s oneness with it. Ralph Waldo Emerson believes that there is Divinity in Nature, and everything makes a circle back to a unity with the universe. The universe is the externsation of the soul. Whereve... Free Essays on Emerson and Transcendentalism Free Essays on Emerson and Transcendentalism Emerson and Transcendentalism In The Pulley George Herbert stated â€Å"He would adore my gifts instead of me; And rest in Nature, not the God of Nature†. Quite often people make this mistake of not seeing the forest through the trees. Be that as it may, there are many that only see one aspect of the whole scheme and focus all of their lives and energy into that feature. Ralph Waldo Emerson is one of these, devoting his existence to the concept there is divinity in nature and humanity. Emerson exemplifies these points in his writings â€Å"The Poet† and â€Å"Self-Reliance†. Ralph Waldo Emerson’s beliefs are grouped in a category called transcendentality. This idea started a philosophical and literary movement that flourished in New England from about 1836 to 1860. It began in a small group of intellectuals who were debating against the orthodoxy of Calvinism and the rationalism of the Unitarian Church, developing their own faith centering on the divinity of humanity and the natural world. Because he surrounded himself with intellectuals he started to believe that his words were infallible. One can see this in the following passage: We lie in the lap of immense intelligence, which makes us receivers of its truth and organ of its activity. When we discern justice, when we discern truth, we do nothing by ourselves, but allow a passage to its beams. If we ask whence this comes, if we seek to pry into the soul that causes, all philosophy is at fault. Its presence or its absence is all we can affirm. (Self-Reliance 1163) In the preceding passage reference to the divinity of humanity is made when he states â€Å"When we discern justice, we discern truth†. Another â€Å"truth† he discusses is the divinity of nature and mankind’s oneness with it. Ralph Waldo Emerson believes that there is Divinity in Nature, and everything makes a circle back to a unity with the universe. The universe is the externsation of the soul. Whereve...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Free Essays on Cowboys Between 1870-1900

The years of the late 1800’s were a time of great expansion and growth for the U.S. The Central Pacific railroad moved east and the Union Pacific moved west through the plains. Joseph McCoy of Springfield, IL devised a plan to take cattle out of Texas and take them to western towns. From there, he would ship them by rail to packing factories in the East. After a long search, he found the town of Abilene, KS. He bought grassy land surrounding the town and built holding pens for the thousands of cattle. Thus began the Chisholm Trail and the origin of the â€Å"long drive.† Each long drive lasted about three months and was a transport of cattle held each year. There were four main cattle trails traveled by the cowboys. First, the Chisholm Trail ran from San Antonio, TX to Abilene, KS. The Sedalia Trail ran also from San Antonio on to Sedalia, MO. The Goodnight-Loving Trail ran from San Angelo, TX to Cheyenne, WY and the Western Trail from Bandera, TX to Dodge City, KS. The cowboys who made the long drive rode on horses from Mexico. Hernn Cortà ©s brought small horses in 1519 known as piebald pintos. The law in the West has been characterized as â€Å"5 cartridges in the cylinder and 1 in the chamber.† The Gold Rush of ’49 brought many people to the frontier, a few of whom became very rich and many more who were extremely poor. Some believed they could take advantage of the newly rich, which led to increased crime. Train robbers and wagon holdups were common. The only solution was to hire mercenaries to â€Å"clean up† some crime-ridden cities. Although lawmen were essential to keep the peace, the marshals, sheriffs and deputies were often as corrupt as the outlaws. Wyatt Earp was marshal of Tombstone, AZ, but was a former horse thief, an embezzler, and a gambler. When Earp worked in Dodge City, he met another not-so-good guy, Doc Holiday. Although Holiday was an alcoholic and a cold-hearted killer, he and Earp became good friends. Othe... Free Essays on Cowboys Between 1870-1900 Free Essays on Cowboys Between 1870-1900 The years of the late 1800’s were a time of great expansion and growth for the U.S. The Central Pacific railroad moved east and the Union Pacific moved west through the plains. Joseph McCoy of Springfield, IL devised a plan to take cattle out of Texas and take them to western towns. From there, he would ship them by rail to packing factories in the East. After a long search, he found the town of Abilene, KS. He bought grassy land surrounding the town and built holding pens for the thousands of cattle. Thus began the Chisholm Trail and the origin of the â€Å"long drive.† Each long drive lasted about three months and was a transport of cattle held each year. There were four main cattle trails traveled by the cowboys. First, the Chisholm Trail ran from San Antonio, TX to Abilene, KS. The Sedalia Trail ran also from San Antonio on to Sedalia, MO. The Goodnight-Loving Trail ran from San Angelo, TX to Cheyenne, WY and the Western Trail from Bandera, TX to Dodge City, KS. The cowboys who made the long drive rode on horses from Mexico. Hernn Cortà ©s brought small horses in 1519 known as piebald pintos. The law in the West has been characterized as â€Å"5 cartridges in the cylinder and 1 in the chamber.† The Gold Rush of ’49 brought many people to the frontier, a few of whom became very rich and many more who were extremely poor. Some believed they could take advantage of the newly rich, which led to increased crime. Train robbers and wagon holdups were common. The only solution was to hire mercenaries to â€Å"clean up† some crime-ridden cities. Although lawmen were essential to keep the peace, the marshals, sheriffs and deputies were often as corrupt as the outlaws. Wyatt Earp was marshal of Tombstone, AZ, but was a former horse thief, an embezzler, and a gambler. When Earp worked in Dodge City, he met another not-so-good guy, Doc Holiday. Although Holiday was an alcoholic and a cold-hearted killer, he and Earp became good friends. Othe...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Disparities in Pain Management in the Emergency Department Research Paper

Disparities in Pain Management in the Emergency Department - Research Paper Example The authors provide an overview from ancient civilizations to the modern theories. The modern theories include Melzack and Wall's Gate Control Theory of Pain. The knowledge in the article Theories of pain: From specificity to the gate, control can be used to understand the character of pain as well as its symptoms that reflect the significant aspects of the entire bodily suffering of the human body. The article provides more information on the manner in which pain functions including its structure and pathways. Acute Pain Management by Warfield CA and Kahn CH The stated research problem of article Acute Pain Management is that there is lack of professional and public awareness of pain management strategies. In addition, Warfield & Khan state that the significance of the problem is that medical professionals, as well as the public, should acquire knowledge on pain management in order to reduce the extent of postoperative pain. The purpose of the study is to investigate the situation o f acute pain management in the United States hospital. Additionally, the article was aimed at assessing the attitudes of adults in America in relation to postoperative pain control. A certain patient that had undergone through surgery believed that he was supposed to feel pain. This perception was contributed to by lack of adequate information on postoperative pain management. If the patient were aware that there are methods that can be used to reduce pain after surgery, he would have agreed to feel the pain.

Friday, October 18, 2019

How does emotional design can stimulates people's attitudes on a web Research Paper

How does emotional design can stimulates people's attitudes on a web site - Research Paper Example To understand the details of the effects of the website best, a research should be carried out on how interactive design, color effect, typography effect, images and layout affect the user emotionally. Methodology The research used the most appropriate tools that would give objective feedback whose findings would be used for future researches and remedies. The chosen tools were questionnaire method and a virtual survey. They are both positivist (quantitative) and interpretivist (qualitative) paradigms. This project was qualitative A qualitative research is a type of research that yields descriptive material based on observation, spoken or written word. It is basically based on the user feedback. The survey was exploratory, descriptive and qualitative in nature. It was exploratory because it sought to explore the perceptions and views of different website users of different ages. The research was a five-phase longitudinal study of primary data from previous researches and built upon t he consequential findings. It consisted of; 1. Design of a suitable checklist to before the starting of the project 2. The self-rating by each of the websites chosen against the checklist. 3. User rating of the websites chosen against the same checklist 4. ... However, there are more phenomenology elements. Similarly on the deductive-inductive front, there is a mix of the two. The research begins from a deductive stance. Based on the chosen websites case study, the research will demonstrated the quantifiable improvements three months after the project. The project assumed that all concerned found the evaluation well worthwhile hence gave trustworthy opinion that ere not biased at all. This lead to a recommendation of the wider use of this project to help the websites and the website designers make choices and changes to improve their designs and the emotional design. The objectives were completed through collating research using both primary and secondary methods. Primary data will be gathered using in-depth analysis of previous findings. The interviews were conducted through virtual interviewing of pop ups that linked the randomly chosen users to the interview questions page. This method was chosen because the structured interviews were f ormal, and can be used to explore in-depth a general area. There was a pre-determined list of question to work with. The research findings formed a discursive and evaluative nature using qualitative research to explore and support arguments, rather than presenting quantitative data as the main focus of the study. The method chosen tried to be as subjective as possible posing questions in a structured manner that avoided researcher bias. It was the customer’s discretion to give information based on merit against the checklist. The assumption as that their opinion as a representation of the majority in the target group that took the interview and the survey. Structured

African Caribbean Community Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4750 words

African Caribbean Community - Assignment Example The colonial era of the United Kingdom essentially made the country a focal point for immigration by people from all over the world seeking entry into the western world. While the earliest black settlers in the UK were entertainers to the Royal families. Later the slave trade swelled their numbers that reached 14000 by the 1700s.In 1945 the minority population numbered in the low thousands and rose to 1.4 million in the 70's.The census report published in 2003, claims that minority ethnic groups account for 6.7% of the British population. Of the 4 million ethnic minority people living in Britain, African Caribbeans number 500,00 and are the second largest population among the minorities.(; Peach C)While on the one hand Britain needed the labour for industry and people were lured in by employment in the land, "they were been brought up to revere," social, political and economic discrimination was an unexpected tragedy for the immigrants.African Caribbeans in Britain have found to be underachievers in the field of education in Britain. While statistics to prove these facts are methodically taken, scientific and sociological studies prove that this disturbing trend is not due to any innate faulty biological mechanism rather the inability of the British system to offer this ethnic group the optimal conditions for cognitive growth. Statistical facts African Caribbean children are found to exhibit a skewed learning behaviour. "Baseline'" testing of five year olds show their performance to be at par with other groups. However, by secondary school stage, "African-Caribbean pupils are between three and six times more likely to be expelled from school." The success rate in the GCSE examinations (2000) for black students was 37% compared to 50% for white students and 49% for Asians. "Out of over 22,000 British students who achieved AAA at A-Level in 2002 and entered higher education, only 37 were black." "For every young black Caribbean male at university in Britain, there are two in prison." While the black community in Britain did show upward trends in qualification levels (38.8 in 2001 compared to the national average of 19.8%), Caribbeans by contrast continue to be the least qualified ethnic group.(Anjool. 2005) The OFSTED report 1991 warns that the gaps between academic performance between African Caribbeans and the white population would widen in the next 20 years. While describing the group's potential the guardian asserts that "Black Caribbean children have an equal, if not higher, ability than white children, yet Black Caribbean boys make the least progress through school." This is attributed to the fact that Caribbeans live in the most deprived 10% wards in England. Discrimination: General prejudice Indirect evidence from the British Social Attitude survey suggests that Britons show equal discriminate against all ethnic minorities. However, Personal surveys indicate that Caribbeans perceive a higher level of discrimination especially in the job market. This may be because there is a general prejudice in the manual labour market and African Caribbeans being normally less qualified are usually a part of the manual labour force. African Caribbeans were also found by British Crime surveys to be having a greater risk of becoming victims to crime.(Heath F A, Mcmohan D.2000-01) The

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Explain what effect an increase in airspeed has on lift, as well as on Essay

Explain what effect an increase in airspeed has on lift, as well as on drag, both induced and parasite - Essay Example This equation is derived from Newton’s second law of motion whereby the net force on an object is equal to its rate of momentum change (Dole and Lewis, 2000). Thus, as air flow increases across an airfoil section, the rate of change of momentum is increased across the upper areas of the wing section, increasing lift (Dole and Lewis, 2000). Bernoulli’s principle states, an increase in the speed of a fluid occurs simultaneously with a decrease in pressure. This is seen in the equation: Pressure+1/2 density(rho) V2= constant Noting that Bernoulli’s equation above is used for non compressible flows (low mach numbers) (FAA, 2001), the equation shows that as velocity increases, if the equation is to remain balanced, pressure must decrease. Thus, as airflow increases across the upper surface of a wing due to speed, lift is increased due to the drop in pressure above the wing. Drag is derived from Newton’s third law whereby, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction (Dole and Lewis, 2000). The action of the airfoil section on the incident airflow creates an opposite reaction, drag. Drag increases as speed increases (FAA, 2001). This is seen in the equation: Drag = Cd x(1/2 pV2) x area, where Cd is the coefficient of drag.

Three characters in history Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Three characters in history - Essay Example Hannibal Barca was Carthaginian forces’ historical leaders, which fought besides Rome in the time of Second Punic War. People considered Hannibal as being the greatest Rome’s enemy. After his early successes in Spain, he led his military forces across the Alps, and entered Italy where they achieved several military victories (Fronda, 2010). Perhaps, Hannibal’s greatest success happened at the Cannae battle in 216 BC. Lastly, remembered in North Africa because of defending the Rome city, he lost the fight of Zama during 202 BC. After the completion of the Second Punic War, Hannibal migrated from North Africa to Asia when he sustained his lifelong battle against Rome by being the leader of the eastern armies. However, the Roman people pursued him persistently, and rather than being arrested alive, he committed suicide by drinking poison (Fronda, 2010). Washington’s leadership can be accredited considering the way in which he ensured three essential responsibilities during the establishment and historical years of the United States. First, he was the Continental army commander, secondly, as the Constitutional Convention’s president, and lastly as the former president of his country (Greenstein, 2011). On June 1775, people unanimously elected Washington to be the commander of all forces to the Continental Congress. Washington established the Continental Force; his administrative and organizational skills, accompanied by his solders’ trusty, assisted George to train them into a battling force, which was able to win against the British (Greenstein, 2011). Without Washington, a large number of soldiers would have resigned from the military army as it was during the Trenton Battle. As a Constitutional Convention president, Washington applied similar leadership skills he used during the battle times. It is with no do ubt that, Washington’s ideas- a strong union,

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Explain what effect an increase in airspeed has on lift, as well as on Essay

Explain what effect an increase in airspeed has on lift, as well as on drag, both induced and parasite - Essay Example This equation is derived from Newton’s second law of motion whereby the net force on an object is equal to its rate of momentum change (Dole and Lewis, 2000). Thus, as air flow increases across an airfoil section, the rate of change of momentum is increased across the upper areas of the wing section, increasing lift (Dole and Lewis, 2000). Bernoulli’s principle states, an increase in the speed of a fluid occurs simultaneously with a decrease in pressure. This is seen in the equation: Pressure+1/2 density(rho) V2= constant Noting that Bernoulli’s equation above is used for non compressible flows (low mach numbers) (FAA, 2001), the equation shows that as velocity increases, if the equation is to remain balanced, pressure must decrease. Thus, as airflow increases across the upper surface of a wing due to speed, lift is increased due to the drop in pressure above the wing. Drag is derived from Newton’s third law whereby, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction (Dole and Lewis, 2000). The action of the airfoil section on the incident airflow creates an opposite reaction, drag. Drag increases as speed increases (FAA, 2001). This is seen in the equation: Drag = Cd x(1/2 pV2) x area, where Cd is the coefficient of drag.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Exploring of Teaching Strategies for Diversity Essay

Exploring of Teaching Strategies for Diversity - Essay Example The efficiency of pedagogical intervention is differently designed for the teachers of low-income, multicultural and multilingual students who live in a big city with differences in economic status, the students who live in large districts who have limited resources but high mobility rates and the teachers who travel to their schools. â€Å"The instructional coaching intervention builds upon sociocultural theory†. The mixed method study explores the efficacy of results of instructional coaching of urban teachers by using the data of focused group discussion and the data of quantitative pre and post-invention. Five standard interventions are discussed in the article. The trained teachers took part in a workshop of 30 hours while targeting the principles of learning based on research. It also discusses the standards for effective pedagogy in order to teach the multicultural students. Pedagogical transformation and outlines of sustainability are demonstrated by the results of ins tructional coaching. The effects of the theory, its practice and research are acquired by the understanding of qualitative and quantitative results. A significant difference is indicated by the results. These results highlight the need of the continuing research that examines the influence of the composition of classroom based on the competency of cultural training in order to educate students. It helps new professionals to become culturally proficient and competent. The results show that the diversity in classroom composition affects the cultural competency.

American Government Essay Example for Free

American Government Essay The Supreme Court case Loving v. Virginia (1967) resulted in the striking down of state laws that prohibited whites and African Americans from marrying. Mildred Loving, one of the parties in the case, issued a statement on the fortieth-anniversary of her case in which she urged that same-sex couples be allowed to marry. Q. Are the two issues—laws prohibiting interracial marriage and laws prohibiting same-sex marriage—similar? Why or why not? I believe laws prohibiting interracial marriage and laws prohibiting same-sex marriage are similar. Marriage is a unique bond between a man and a woman, who agree to live together and fulfill each others moral and physical demands. However, such a bondage between a woman and a woman or a man and a man would be against nature. This is a widely accepted notion. In the Loving v. Virginia case, the judge believed when God created different races and placed them on separate continents. Men should not interfere with His arrangements and should not pursue interracial relationships. However, the ACLU filed a motion on behalf of the Lovings that Racial Integrity Act 1924 and Statutes preventing marriages solely on the basis of classification violates The Equal Protection and Due Process clauses of the 14th amendment. This case holds its significance as it redefined what constituted a marriage. Some proponents of gay rights have cited this case in support of a right to marriage. Although opponents argue that this is not viable as the Loving marriage was still between a man and a woman. In the United States, at the beginning of the twenty-first century, Americans considered the freedom to choose a marriage partner a fundamental right. The idea that government could interfere with that choice is unthinkable. The case is also significant because it is about how the United States defined marriage. Before 1967, a legal marriage could not be contracted in states with anti-miscegenation laws if the partners were of different races. Thus the case redefined what constituted a marriage. Some proponents of gay rights have cited this case in support of a right to marriage, although opponents argue that this is not viable as the Loving marriage was still between a man and a woman. Randall Kennedy’s Interracial Intimacies, saw that opponents’ arguments against interracial relationships mirrored those of gay  rights opponents. In Loving, Virginia’s Supreme Court justified a ban on interracial marriages by citing religious beliefs. Others argued against it on the grounds that it violated natural order, same is the case with same-sex marriages. the American Psychiatric Association considered homosexuality a psychological disorder until 1973. Marriages are sought majorly as a foundation for having children, the relation to procreation is different in gay relationships. The live-and-let-live phenomenon practiced by most Americans doesn’t apply to this spectrum, as it didn’t apply to interracial marriages before 1967. Majority of the Americans are against it from both the political spheres. President Clinton, during his reign signed the defense of marriage act, which refuses to recognize gay marriages, despite his election platform for gay rights. Also, the lynching of Matthew Shepard in 1998 revealed that homosexuality triggered the same kind of violence and fear that was generated in the past by black-white sexual relations. Plus, a similar inversion of family values appears in opponents arguments against gay marriage and in the historical argument against interracial sex. Casual sex is more tolerable than sex that involved meaning, this stood true for interracial non-marriage relationships and again the same holds true for gays today. However, according to Colin Powell, the analogy of gays to race is wrong, explaining that race is a status and sexual orientation is a behavior. Similar arguments against same-sex and interracial relationships appear in regards to children. There was once total opposition to couples adopting children of different races, and there is still weight placed against allowing a white couple to adopt a black child, he said, because of societal pressures. The National Association for Black Social Workers has said such cases may result in black children having â€Å"white minds.† Similarly, fears abound that adopted children whose parents are gay will be more subject to prejudice, or the child will â€Å"have confusion over their sexual orientation†¦or worse, they’ll end up being gay.†

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Last Leaf O.Henry

The Last Leaf O.Henry â€Å"The Last Leaf† The Hope That Heals. The Last Leaf by O. Henry is an interesting short story about a sick girl named Johnsy, who is deeply affected by a bare vine tree. Johnsy has decided she will not get well and has reconciled herself with the fact that she is going to die when the last leaf falls off the ivy bush outside her bedroom window. Johnsys hopelessness and willingness to accept the worst without a fight is a major statement about the emotional state of the character. In his wonderful short-story â€Å"the last leaf†, using sacrificial themes, fear of pneumonia and a twist on the fatalistic tone, O.Henry depicted a really meaningful goal: Life must have hope. In brief, I love this story very much. Its plot and its characters are simply, but it is a very touching story that makes I recognize many things in life. Life is meaningful only for people who have hope and love. The hope helps us live better and heals our body and spirit. Hope is the foundation of our personal futures; each of us would probably suicide without hope. It is the virtue that helps us overcome obstacles. Without hope, we seem to give up easily like Johnsy in the story. Without hope, there is nothing. Another important thing in life is love. O. Henry, through the story, advices us should love ourselves and other people. The love between three persons, Johnsy, Sue and old Behrman makes a moving story. Johnsy had sometimes forgotten loving herself and cause the worry for Sue, but the biggest love is the love of the old Behrman for Johnsy. He was self sacrifice to save the life of Johnsy. Despite being a old man, he didnt hesitate to go out in a cold weather, climb up the ladder and paint the last leaf, because he know that it is the leaf of hope, a hope for a life that is giving up . In addition, I never see that life and death seem to be close like that. The fate is â€Å"decided† just through the last faint ivy leaf, it was such an â€Å"idiotic imaginings† (Henry 49). Life and death link together by the revivification of Johnsy and the death of the old Behrman. It is a familiar method in O. Henrys stories: everything has its own worth. The meaning of masterpiece in this story makes me change my mind. Before that, I think a masterpiece should be a large, a big, and an imposing picture. In the story, the last leaf picture of Behrman is very simple, but it is really a masterpiece by the meaning. He spent all the night under the terrible weather to draw it, and pay his life for it. Eventually, all of the leaves fall from the vine, save the one last leaf. All readers easily understand that how much effort, how much love contained in that leaf picture. More than that, the most important thing, â€Å"the last leaf† saved a life of a poor mind girl, who gave up life too easily. The end being the surprise ending that make the story feel sad.. The reader then finds out that O. Henry wrote a character that is obviously so void of passion about anything that at the first illness she gets, plans to die. Behrman, the man who will become her savior, seems to have the same lack of interest with his art. He is described as â€Å"a failure in art† (Henry 46). .†He had been always about to paint a masterpiece, but had never yet begun it† (Henry 48). If he was motivated or inspired to be an artist, he would have found something to paint in all of his years instead of waiting for the one inspiration that would create his masterpiece. Although he died, he did become what he had always claimed to be, an artist â€Å"had been waiting there for twenty-five years to receive the first line of the masterpiece† (Henry 49), his final masterpiece, which saved Johnsys uninspired life, was nothing more than a simple leaf painted upon a drab brick wall. All the things that our doctors tell us to do and undergo may not be easy, but they are meant to make us well. All the things that our love ones do to us, for us, they do for one reason: To keep us alive! We may not be living a very easy life, but all these tribulations, if surpassed, will make us stronger. They make life more meaningful and significant. â€Å"It is a sin to want to die† (Henry 51). Most of the times we are trying to be Johnsy just fearing about the last leaf, we often forget to love the life God has given us. Being Bermans is quite not possible for everyone, but at least we can live our life not just waiting for that â€Å"last leaf†. Let us, at all cost, dare to dream, dare to live, †¦ Live the life that God want us to live, no matter how short it be. Works Cited O.Henry. â€Å"The last leaf† The best story of O.Henry. New York, Modern Library.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Adolph Hitler :: essays research papers

Adolf Hitler   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Adolf Hitler was born to Alois and Klara Hitler in 1990 in Braunau, Austria. His parents couldn’t legally be married, because his mother was his father’s first cousin’s daughter. But they got permission from the Christian church in Rome, and were only an exception because Klara was already pregnant. When he was eight, the family moved to Vienna, which would be a city to hold quite an impact on Hitler’s ambitions.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When Adolf was 12, his father had died. His father was the only person that wouldn’t let his grades slip, so two years later he dropped out of school. Then Hitler’s luck worsened, and two short years after, his mother passed away. Once his mother was gone, Adolf was completely alone. In 1913, he moved to Munich looking for a place to be employed. But he did not leave Vienna with nothing. As he left, he kept two things in mind that were valued there: Anti-Semitism and the idea of German supremacy. Adolf had always been into the arts, when he was in Munich, he’d go to operas when he didn’t even have food. He was a very good sketch artist of buildings and architects, but he could not draw people very well. Art was one of the two classes, P.E. being the other, that he excelled in. As he entered the political world, he would continue his interests in the arts.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  World War One hit on August 14, 1914. A few months later, he had joined up with the German army in the 16th Battalion. He became so dedicated to his battalion, that when people asked where he lived, he simply said, â€Å"The Sixteenth Battalion.† The reason why he had joined to fight for his country is because he wanted to purify the world. In his eyes, anybody who wasn’t German wasn’t part of the â€Å"Master Race†, which fell under Hitler’s idea of German Supremacy. Aryan was what the â€Å"Master Race† was deemed, which was a German with blonde hair and blue eyes. The irony of it is that he himself had brown hair and brown eyes, which he considered â€Å"not pure.† If you were not pure, you were to be cleansed, taken care of. If you were not with Adolf and his belief, you deserved to die. In 1916, he was shot and sent back to Germany. Then he soon returned healthy as ever.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Laura’s Struggle for Growth in The Garden Party Essay -- Garden Party

Laura’s Struggle for Growth in The Garden Party  Ã‚        Ã‚  Ã‚   Through her short story "The Garden Party," Katherine Mansfield portrays a young woman’s struggle through adolescence and her tumultuous entrance into adulthood. Mansfield paints a tale of grievance, bewilderment, enlightenment, and maturation furthered by the complications of class distinctions. Mansfield’s protagonist, Laura, encounters considerable hardship in growing up and must denounce all of the puerile convictions in her chimerical world in order to attain maturity in the real adult world. As does any normal teenager, Laura Sheridan struggles to make sense of her adolescent life. As Don Klein remarks, "The story’s focus—and central dramatic impulse—is the young girl’s secret struggle to grow up" (124). Grappling with excessive inner turmoil, she attempts to erect a unique identity for herself, one set apart from those of her family members. In order to effect such radical transformation, she is first compelled to overcome several major impediments in her life, the most encumbering being her mother. The overbearing presence of Laura’s mother and her mother’s ideals pose an impending hindrance in Laura’s progression to adulthood. As Laura battles with maturity, she begins shedding the skin of her childhood and hence begins transcending the mold created for her by her mother’s upbringing. Laura also begins to denounce the snug, evasive dream world that her mother has suffocated her in. Mrs. Sheridan intentionally raises her children in this dream world in order that she have complete control over their thoughts and actions without their knowledge. She furthers this dream world by letting them believe that they, and not she, are actually in control. For in... ... the daily life struggles of an average teenager, but also, on a more personal level, she gives insight into her own adolescent hardships as well. Works Cited Davis, Robert Murray. "The Unity of ‘The Garden Party.’ "Short Story Criticism 23 (1993): 128-30. Klein, Don W. "’The Garden Party’: A Portrait of the Artist." Short Story Criticism 23.(1993): 123-8. Mansfield, Katherine. "The Garden Party." The Norton Anthology of English Literature. 6th ed. Ed. M. H. Abrams. New York: Norton, 1996. 2510-20. Taylor, Donald S. "Crashing the Garden Party: A Dream-A Wakening." Short Story Criticism 23 (1993): 121-2. Walker, Warren S. "The Unresolved Conflict in ‘The Garden Party.’" Short Story Criticism 23 (1993): 119-21. Weiss, Daniel A. "Crashing the Garden Party: The Garden Party of Proserpina." Short Story Criticism 23 (1993): 122-1.      

Friday, October 11, 2019

Airline Safety – Essay

Name: Katelyn Meyers Assignment #4 – Airline Safety Since 9/11, airline security has been a major focus of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the US Government. Based on what you’ve read and learned in Chapter 5, discuss the following topics: * Part 1 – â€Å"Is it safe to fly? (You must show statistics and data to support your answer. Consider comparing it to other forms of transportation) * Part 2 – What security measures have been implemented since 9/11 and in your opinion, are the â€Å"extreme† security checks at our airports necessary? Discuss the safety precautions taken and find research and statistics to prove your point. Part 1 – Is it safe to fly? Yes, it is safe to fly. A US National Safety Council study showed flying to be 22 times safer than travelling by car. More than 3 million people fly every day. Chart below shows the number of fatalities in other transportation methods to travel. US Transportation Fatalities 20 00 – Source: NTSB Part 2 – What security measures have been implemented since 9/11 and in your opinion, are the â€Å"extreme† security checks at our airports necessary? In my option security has increased for the better good since 9/11. For example, airlines instructed passengers to arrive at airports as much as two hours before takeoff for domestic fights. After passing through security checkpoints, passengers were randomly selected for additional screening, including hand-searching of their carry-on bags, in the boarding area. The TSA has arrayed ’20 Layers of Security’ to ‘strengthen security through a layered approach’—see Figure 1. This is designed to provide defense-in-depth protection of the traveling public and of the United States transportation system. Of these 20 layers, 14 are ‘pre-boarding security’ (i. e. , deterrence and apprehension of terrorists prior to boarding aircraft): 1. Intelligence 2. Customs and border protection 3. Joint terrorism task force 4. No-fly list and passenger pre-screening 5. Crew vetting 6. Visible Intermodal Protection Response (VIPR) Teams 7. Canines 8. Behavioral detection officers 9. Travel document checker 10. Checkpoint/transportation security officers 11. Checked baggage 12. Transportation security inspectors 13. Random employee screening 14. Bomb appraisal officers The remaining six layers of security provide ‘in-flight security’: 15. Federal Air Marshal Service 16. Federal Flight Deck Officers 17. Trained flight crew 18. Law enforcement officers 19. Hardened cockpit door 20. Passengers Athol Yates, Executive Director of the Australian Homeland Security Research Centre says that air marshals are of ‘questionable’ security value, and that â€Å"hardening the cockpit doors and changing the protocols for hijacking has made it harder for terrorists to get weapons on board an aircraft and take control of it† (Maley 2008).

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Minority: United States and Minorities Essay

What do members of minority groups gain and lose as they undergo a process of assimilation the process by which minorities gradually adopt patterns of the dominant culture. As a minority you gain and lose it can be positive or negative. Every culture is different as we all know as a minority you have to adapt to the norms. As a minority you gain certain things such as learning a new language although it might be very difficult, given the right for a better education, being independence the right to do what you please. You might lose traditional food traditional behaviors, leaving family behind. However its normal. I experience most of these situation when I came here in a America as minority is was very difficult and a big change because as I aged I noticed and felt unwanted by majority of people living here you can tell by the negative stereotypes and discrimination But these situation happened around the world. When I came here I gained a self of independence going to school, working buying and things I desire to have, and going anywhere I felt like going. In contrast. iving in my country as woman I didn’t really have much independence although I was young I understand, but most woman went to school but usually they stay home they don’t work the man pays the bills buys everything needed for the house. I left my family behind but I also have family here and were all doing things to better our self in the future by going to school and become whoever we want to be that’s the beauty of America. According to Macionis â€Å" Minorities have two important characteristics. First, society imposes on them a distinctive identity, which may be based on physical or cultural traits. Second, minorities experience subordination. As this chapter shows, U. S. minorities typically have lower income, lower occupational prestige, and limited schooling. Class, race and ethnicity, as well as gender, are overlapping and reinforcing dimensions of social stratification. The Thinking About Diversity box on page 278 describes the struggles of recent Latin American immigrants to the Unites States. † (Macionis 277) As Macionis mentioned this is very true that minorities have lower income in my opinion it has a lot to do with racism which makes it hard to find a job and be able to sustain yourself and your family. As a minority in my nine family household most of us work but we still struggle to make ends meet. Also I thing as a minority in any country it’s very hard it takes years to adjust to the new culture and people. I think that some ways we can improve the contemporary American relation on a family level is to reach out to neighbors and community not being judgmental, get to know people as individuals not as a stereotype. At the community level/ school: join clubs or activities that are inclusive of all minorities. Town /cities policies: enforcing equal opportunity laws housing, availability for schools, support services. U.  S. government: funding to help minorities be successful here, visas to immigrate here All of these will help build relationship with minorities and see then as individual not a stereotype. In conclusion we do gain and lose certain things we admire by moving to a different country or region but having the advantage to experience different part of the world is exciting you learn new things each day. And no part of the world is perfect your always going to finds things you like or dislike about a place but as long as take advantage of knowing who you are and be yourself and learn to adopt to new things that’s all that matters.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Difference Between The Regression Coefficients Essay

Difference Between The Regression Coefficients - Essay Example Suppose we want to test the autoregression of the dependent variable expenditure on the independent variable income we have to run the procedure REGRESS in STATA. Let us proceed as follows with two time periods with dependent variable expenditure (exp) and independent variable income (income):. by sort time per regress exp income. regress exp income if time per (time period 0) for eg.1987 to 1996. regress exp income if time per (time period 1) for eg.1997 to 2006To combine both in the constrained model, Expenditure is regressed on income for both time periods together as follow: . regexp income Null hypothesis: The regression coefficients do not differ significantly for the two time periods time period 0 and time period 1. Alternative hypothesis: The regression coefficients differ significantly for the two time periods time period 0 and time period 1. Chow test is being considered as an important tool in predicting the differences between the two regression coefficients when the grou ps are heterogeneously different. Even with the impact of dummy variables Chow test seems to be more robust in predicting the significant difference between two regressions under homoscedastic situations. Chow test is applicable in heteroscedastic situations.Breusch – Pagan test is used in testing whether heteroscedasticity is present in a linear regression model. It is also used to test whether the estimated variance of the residuals from regression equation is dependent on the values of independent variable values.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Vermiculture Technology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Vermiculture Technology - Essay Example However, a collection of warms with different feeding styles is preferred. This may include column feeders, burrowing feeders and surface feeders, which do not pose a competition for nutrients, but in the process compliments each other in the feeding process. The worms work in a similar way as in natural decomposition pits; they disintegrate organic matter into small fragments. In the process, they breathe and promote fermentation of the nutrient content. A vermicompost also contains microbes, which aid in the decomposition process. In the event that the materials are depleted, the worm poop and the content are ready for harvesting. The technology is generally cheap and easy to practice for both large and small-scale farmers. The farmer needs to rear the worms in pits, about 3m deep. Broken bricks and earthwork are placed at the bottom to provide for good drainage, the base materials be then covered with a thin layer of cow dung. The materials to be decomposed are then introduced into the pit and water sprinkled to create a conducive environment for the worms. Finally, the worms are introduced to initiate the process (Graft, 2001). Non-continuous- this type of bin involves placing the bedding materials at the base of the bin the adding materials to be decomposed in layers above each other. The worms will then feed on the materials uniformly up the bin. Its major disadvantage in that the entire content of the bin have to be emptied for harvesting. Continuous vertical bin- A series of trays arranged vertically are used in this process. Materials in the order of bedding-worms-organic matter is placed in the bottom tray and finally sealed with a layer of rich bedding. When the worms are through with the content of the lower tray, they move upwards and the lower tray can be harvested. Continuous horizontal bins- the trays are arranged in a horizontal manner, the materials

Monday, October 7, 2019

Obesity Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Obesity - Research Paper Example It is the objective of this essay to determine all relevant factors affecting obesity. Age, lifestyle, culture, religion and external environmental factors all contribute to one’s vulnerability to obesity. Obesity is defined as a chronic condition of excess fat accumulation in the body. (MedicineNet). Medically, obesity can be defined in relation to the body mass index (BMI). The body mass index â€Å"determines whether a person’s weight is appropriate for height by dividing the weight in kilograms by the height in meters squared†.(Delaune and Ladner 2006) Using this index, obesity is then defined as a BMI of 30 and above. (Medicine.Net) The primary causes of obesity are overeating and lack of physical activity. When a person takes in calories much more than what one burns, that persons gains weight. Excess energy is therefore stored as fat. If that person has no initiative at all to engage in Aside from overeating and lack physical activity, there are enormous factors which contribute to an individual’s being vulnerable to obesity. These are: genetics, composition of the diet, frequency of eating, slow metabolism, lack of exercise or physical activity, medications, psychological factors, and even certain diseases. There are two (2) types of obesity: android and gynoid. Hashmi differentiates the two by the concentration of excess fat in the body. For adroid, excess fat appears in the upper portion of the abdomen. Gynoid, on the other hand, excess fat is located in the lower part of the body. There is a third type where excess fat is accumulated in almost all parts of the body. As a person gains weight and either consciously or unconsciously neglect any measures to prevent the continuous weight increase, that person increases his or her risk of contracting other chronic illnesses. Among the more prominent diseases associated with obesity are: cardiovascular problems which could

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Evaluating Capital Investment projects Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Evaluating Capital Investment projects - Essay Example On the contrary, non-discounted matrices applies accounting rate of return. The metrics measure project performance/progress over a given period. Therefore, it is advisable for Arizona Hospital to select a combination of metrics due to the prones and cones associated with each metrics. Some of the prones of discounted matrices include; they give the intrinsic value of an investment, they are easier to apply and are reliable to use than non-discounted cash flow metrics methods. Some of the disadvantages of discounted metrics over non-discounted metrics include; they are based on assumptions and can only be reliable when there is certainty of cash flows (Baker & English, 2011). On the other hand, sensitivity analysis entails a mathematical technique used to determine the impact of independent variable over the dependent variable. The sensitivity may tell the senior managers of Arizona hospital whether the project will be optimal and the level of risk associated with a particular project so that necessary changes can be applied accordingly (Saltelli, Tarantola & Campolongo, 2004). This means that sensitivity analysis act as a useful tool for assessing capital projects risk and returns. This is because sensitivity analysis helps to identify the potential investments risk in the market, these help managers to prepare on how they can deal with that risk (Saltelli & Wiley InterScience,

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Contract law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Contract law - Essay Example The advertisement which Kelly has placed in the local newspaper is an offer that has been made to the world at large, such as for example in the case of Carlill v Carbolic Smoke Ball Co.3 A mere offer will only constitute a unilateral contract, which will also be deemed valid only if some party proffers an unconditional acceptance of the terms of the offer.4 John has seen the advertisement in the paper and has posted his acceptance to Kelly. However as McKendrick states, for a contract to be valid, â€Å"there must be a definite offer mirrored by a definite acceptance.†5 An acceptance will be said to occur when the offeree’s words or conduct can give rise to an objective reference that he/she has assented to the terms offered.6 On this basis, Kelly’s advertisement in the paper constitutes a definite offer and John’s reply constitutes an acceptance of the terms of the offer. In the case of Gibson v Manchester City Council, it was held that the acceptance of the offer must also be communicated before it can be valid on a contractual basis.7 According to Lord Denning no contract will come into existence unless and until the acceptance has been communicated to the offerer8. Therefore, if a contract is to exist between Kelly and John, then Kelly should have received John’s acceptance of her original offer, without any changes in its terms. John has indeed accepted the offer as per its original terms and since John’s acceptance of the offer has been sent by post then it will be held to be a valid acceptance as soon as he posted his letter.9 In fact, the courts have held that where a postal; acceptance is concerned, it will hold good even in those instances where the letter is delayed or lost in the post so that it never reaches the offerer.10 However, an offer cannot be accepted by the offeree unless and until the offer is communicated to him/her and silence cannot be

Friday, October 4, 2019

Rhetorical Precis Essay Example for Free

Rhetorical Precis Essay In The Organization Kid, an article published in The Atlantic Monthly in April of 2001, David Brooks discusses the willing conformism and social subservience of the educational elite and reinforces his points through usage of a heavily pathos-based timeline, quotes, textual examples and statistics. Brooks’ examples are both well structured and particularly effective. He compartmentalizes his arguments, shows instances of change over time and directly and effectively targets the emotions of his audience. Brooks’ masterful usage of tactics and strategies such as this makes the narrative quite effective in terms of emphasizing his main goal: drawing attention to the growing trend of willing subservience amongst the educational elite. Brooks’ statement is indeed quite relevant in reference to major issues in ever-changing modern society. Vocabulary * Prudential – Involving or showing care and forethought, typically in business. * Sacrosanct – Regarded as too important or valuable to be interfered with. * Meritocratic – Government or the holding of power by people selected on the basis of their ability. * Nihilism – The rejection of all religious and moral principals, often in the belief that life is meaningless. * Ganglia – A structure containing a number of nerve cell bodies, typically linked by synapses, and often forming a swelling on a nerve fiber. Tone * Critical * Analytic * Factual * Condemnatory Rhetorical Strategies * Hyperbole – â€Å"soul crushing† * Asyndeton – â€Å"there are pesticides on our fruit, cigarettes in the school yards, rocks near the bike paths, kidnappers in the woods.† * Alliteration – â€Å"Baby Boomers† * Personification – â€Å"the argument speaks† * Simile – â€Å"like flies to a light† Discussion Questions * Clarification – Why does the author draw different conclusions regarding societal issues at the end of the narrative than he at the beginning? * Style – Does the writer’s style of citing sometimes-unrelated information to support his argument act as beneficial or detrimental in regards to emphasizing his points? * Application – While the author certainly made his perceived issues with today’s society quite clear, he never exactly expanded on what he would do to repair it. What do you believe would be the best course of action to take to restore the missing sense of the â€Å"ultimate challenge† and â€Å"ultimate reward†? Important Quotation â€Å"The most sophisticated people in preceding generations were formed by their struggle to break free from something. The most sophisticated people in this one aren’t.†

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Management as the cornerstone of organisational effectiveness

Management as the cornerstone of organisational effectiveness This assignment is mainly focuses on the assessing of the statement of Management is the cornerstone of organisational effectiveness, and the integrating activity that permeates every aspect of the operations of the organisation. To make the background for this assessment it was first studied most important factors that are likely to determine the successful performance of work organisations. In achieving that first it was focused to understand the concept of organizational effectiveness and various approaches for organizational effectiveness and through that study identify the factors. And then the consideration was given to study the main obstacles to effective organisational performance and how to overcome those. Finally attempt was taken to assess the validity of the statement of Management is the cornerstone of organisational effectiveness, and the integrating activity that permeates every aspect of the operations of the organisation, considering with the changing nature of modern work organisations. Important Factors of Effective Organizational Performance What is Organizational Effectiveness Here before assessing the factors of effective organizational performance the consideration was given to understand the concept of organizational effectiveness. According to the view of Jonathan Knee the organizational effectiveness may depend on most essential three key elements. *People Here the people means staff of the organization *Culture A combination of Style, Skills and Shared Values of the organization *Impact This mainly includes the factors like profitability and financial sustainability, not only that but also the value shaped for any stakeholders. It can be shown by the following graph. In this article author say that these elements together have to manage because they are tightly inter-related nature. People create a culture that shapes them in turn. Future generation self-selects into an existing culture that meets their needs. And secondly people implement the organizations plans, and the culture supports and increases. And thirdly this inter-relation is so important because the organizations ability to achieve its goals affects its ability to attract and retain effective people and to sustain a high performance culture. (Info abstracted from: The article of Organizational Effectiveness by Jonathan Knee, 2008) Early studies state the organizational effectiveness is general rests on evolving suitable methods of selection, training, placement, in various steps of the organization. (Info abstracted from: The book of Organizational Behaviour by Indian Institute of Management and Technology, 1997) And also another view of Organizational effectiveness is that OE is always concerned with the unique capabilities that organizations develop to assure that success (Info Abstracted from: The book of The Changing Definition of Organizational Effectiveness, Human Resource Planning, Vol. 27.1. by McCann, Joseph. 2004) Most modern views of the organizational effectiveness say this has to be look in a way of system approach. Accordingly many HR practitioners try to look at the HR process and identify it in system approach. Accordingly they say that by looking at it in system approach organizations can achieve organizational effectiveness. (Info Abstracted from: The book of Measuring Organizational Effectiveness, Canadian Management Centre. 2005) Accordingly we can identify early HR notions have identifies this concept as Only HR function including recruitment, selection, Training and development. With reference to the literature review the identification can be done as that organizational effectiveness is not only depending on the Human Resource of the organization but also it is a integration of both people and the system of the organization. Factors of Effective Organizational Performance Here to identify the factors which effects to the effective organizational performances can be identified as using several case studies. Case Study Alpha Company This is a case study which was done by the Canadian Management centre to identify the effective organizational performance. The main theoretical model that they have use d here is that the system approach. Alpha Test Company is a European Owned small manufacturing company of office furniture. They have three major competitors in the market. Their major three strategic imperatives are as follows. (1) A clearly defined and defensible niche (2) A highly customer-focused culture (3) A lean and efficient manufacturing operation When achieving the strategic initiatives first the company has run in a lost way. The company could not decide whether it wanted to be an industry niche leader or follower and operations managements focus turned inward and away from acceptance of the customer. The most important thing for the driven of the strategic direction is that the intellectual support for that, but in Alpha organization there was more or less act as careful technicians instead of passionate supporters of quality and service. According to the new strategic inputs the manufacturing facility became highly controlled, with job responsibilities narrowly defined, performance measures relatively unclear. The organization became more rigid and inflexible, with employees focused on them, moving at a purposeful speed and indifferent in changing. So as a result of these initiatives the organization became more incapable of doing much more than being a fine place to work. These familiars resulted for this test by the Canadian Management Institute. The test was began by collecting data band sophisticated data analysis, and researching on efforts at creating high-touch customer focus and created a gap between the beliefs of the employees and the companys expectations for performance At the end of the research it was identified several factors to improve the organizational effectiveness through several strategic initiatives as follows. *First one is that as company should be continuously realigned in order to avoid from fluctuations. *In these alignments organizations should maintain their own unique alignment *Thirdly consider on technology in order to see the complexity of the world and competitors and with the predictions be ready to understand and manage the complexity *Then strategic initiatives should be taken to align the people to support the new strategic direction, HR will come in to action in this point. (Info Abstracted from: The book of Measuring Organizational Effectiveness, Canadian Management Centre. 2005) Case Study Competitive Advantage To obtain the effective organizational performance many companies use the sustainable competitive advantages by bringing into line their talent and business strategies. Most of the organizations use the methods like mergers or acquisitions, restructurings or shifts in business strategy can bring many functional effectiveness. Accordingly this article describes that many organizations of their studies brings value to their clients organizations by facilitating the integration and alignment of the business strategy with a workable talent management strategy. And also they mentions as aligning has to be done in the areas of capabilities, processes, attitudes, and talents. And with reference to many of their client organizational experiences they say three major solutions for organizational effectiveness. Organizational Effectiveness Solutions Strategy Implementation This is mainly focusing on structure, people systems and processes, and to deliver great customer experiences. Strategic Workforce Alignment These are the workforce strategies considering employee needs and investment on employee needs. Many HR initiatives could be taken at this stage. Change Management This is the design to support for change at all level of the organization. With the external environmental changes many initiatives can be taken for change management to obtain the sustainable competitive advantages (Info Abstracted from: Right Management consultancy service, Right Management Inc.) Accordingly factors of Effective Organizational Performance can be summarised as follows. Continuously realignments in order to avoid from fluctuations *Maintain unique alignment *Use of technology *Develop human resource of the organization to support the strategic initiatives *Sustainable competitive advantage *Change management *Integrating the organizational system according to the system approach Obstacles for effective organizational performance Poor Leadership Organizations are composed to of individuals and groups for achieving certain goals and objectives by means of differentiated functions that are intended to be rationally coordinated and directed through time on a continuous basis. A group within the organization has to select one of their members as a leader/ representative for coordinating their views/ demands and expectations. The leadership as such is an essential part of the organizational life. Leadership is a group process, through which individuals initiate activities for delivering the common objectives of the community by working together simulating each other, supplementing abilities and resources and evolving an effective organizational pattern. So as many of the organizational activities are leading and monitoring by the leadership of the organization, if it is not effective whole organizational process will collapse. Accordingly it can be identified that poor leadership is the main obstacle for achieving organizational effectiveness. To overcome from this obstacle it is needed to identify the role of the leader effectively and appoint a person who has these characteristics or in other hand develop these skills of the appointed leader. Those roles are as follows. *Developing a team work *Representing the members *Appropriate counselling *Exercising power and authority properly for constructive purposes *Time management *Managing and leading the group towards completion a task *As a potential strength for the members work force *Creating a cordial relationship and containing discussions *Continuing the role as a motivator and a source of inspiration (Info abstracted from: The book of Organizational Behaviour by Indian Institute of Management and Technology, 1997) Barriers in Communication It can be taken many strategic initiatives to make the effective organizational performances. But this should be communicated for the people in the organization correctly. If it is not happened it will cause for total failure of the strategic initiatives. As example in the case of Alpha Test Company they made the strategic initiatives by controlling operations in a very tuff manner. Employees also monitored in a rigid manner. This caused for the failure even this can cause for run down from the existing situation also. So it is essential to consider about the effective communication. For that identification of the barriers in communication will be a best method. Even when the receiver receives the message and makes the genuine attempt to decode it there are a number of barriers which disturb the receivers understandings. These obstacles are known as Barriers in communication. They are personal, physical and semantic barriers. The barriers may entirely prevent a communication or filter a part of it or give incorrect message. Poor Group and Inter-group Relationship Groups in organizations have become the subject of much mythology and the target for strong feelings. What then is the truth about the groups? Why do they exist? What functions do groups fulfil for the organization and their members? How should one conceptualize a group, and how does one judge the goodness or effectiveness of a group? What kinds of things can groups do? And what they cannot do? What impact do groups have on their members? On each other and on the organization within which they exist what are the prospects and constrains of Inter-group Corporation and inter-group competition. How does one manage and influence group? These are very important factors which have to be considered for the effective organizational performance, because poor relationship may cause for many destructive things. To overcome from these kinds of obstacles it should be organize to maintain team work among the employees. Assessing the validity of the statement Accoridng to the requirments of the assighnment the statement Management is the cornerstone of organisational effectiveness, and the integrating activity that permeates every facet of the operations of the organisationshould be asessed in terms of its validity considering the changing nature of modern work organisations. Before assess the validity of the statement we should look into the question on what is the changing nature of a modern work organization. In fact today we all are in a changing nature, this is not only for a business, even for a individual and as well for a family we are in a changing nature. The changing nature actually means the rapid transformations of social, economic, environment and political factors. As these factors are highly changing it has created a changing nature in our lives. Also this affect of the changes of these factors has made significant differences for todays businesses. Actually the main reason for these rapid changes is the technological advancement occurred around the worldwide. Today in each and every corner technology has become the driven force therefore every country is using technology for their businesses, and as well as for their individual lives. The extensive magnitude of using technology has created another challenging environment where many more opportunities are opened for further technological advancements. Therefore as a result everything is in a rapid change. Particularly if take a business they face to lot of changes in their businesses. Due to these technological advancements everything is always changing and it affects for the social, political, environment and economic lives of people, as a result of these changes as whole the overall society has become a changing nature. Not only the technology the current worlds economic system is also a main reason for current changing environment. As todays most of the economies are open economies and fewer barriers to entry to the market this has created a huge competition among the organizations, not only in local markets this has created a huge competition among the businesses in the international market. As a result of this today every organizations is trying for innovations and they dedicate much resources for research and development accordingly new developments are introduced to the market and therefore this increase the competition in the free market. As a result the overall nature has become very competitive. Actually there is a link between the technology and the competitive market, because in actual sense the technological innovations lead for the competitiveness. Accordingly we can come to a conclusion in identifying what is a changing nature. The identification of this changing nature is highly important to analyse the validity of the statement. In analysing the validity of the statement we can analyse it as two parts. One is on the first part of the statement which is Management is the cornerstone of organisational effectiveness and the othe part on the integrating activity that permeates every facet of the operations of the organisation. Before asses the validity of the statement Management is the cornerstone of organisational effectiveness we should identfy what is exactly meant by management. One ideology on management informs that Management is the art of getting things done through people, also further it says that management is the process of getting things done through the efforts of other people. Also another set of team informs that the management is an art of problem solving. Through management the problem solving is done effectively and it achieves organizational objectives through the effcient use of scarce resouces in changing enviornment. A comprehensive definition on management elaborates that management is the process or the procedier of planning, organizing, leading and controling an organizations four core resouces which are human, financial, physical and information resource to achieve organizational golas in effective and efficient maneer. (Info- Abstraced from lecture notes of Mr. Weerathunga. G. on Intrduction to management, of Certificate Cousrese in Human Resource Management, Insititute of Personnel Management Sri Lanka) Accordingly through considerting the definitions on management we can conclude that management is the process of planning, forcasting analysing and implementation of organizational activites in order to achive the goals and objectives of the organization. Then it should be important to identify about what is organizational effectiveness, accordingly it can be mentioned that for organizational effectiveness there is two main concepts. According to the traditional view of the organizational effectiveness, it says that organizational effectiveness is the management of recruitment, selection, training and placement; this is directly focused on the human resource aspect of the organization. But according to the modern concept on organizational effectiveness, it says that it should be considered as a system approach and accordingly the system should consider about the both human resources aspect and as well as on the other systems of the organisation. Simply it says that organizational effectiveness means that the effectiveness of all aspect of the business. Accordingly as the statement says it can be mentioned that the management is a cornerstone of organizational effectiveness in todays changing nature. Management means all about planning, and forecasting on organizations activities. Accordingly in todays changing nature always the facts are changing therefore in management it analyses focuses and plans according to the changes of the environment. For an example let say that TESCO which is the best retailer in UK, they are always changing with the nature, they have proper management practices and accordingly they plan, analyse, forecast and implement their business strategies in relation as suits to the changes occurred. Further lets say they clearly forecast the peak business times for them and as well they implement proper strategies targeting the nature of the change, lets say till November there is not a special season but with the beginning of the December the whole super market environment changed by the TESCO to face to the chan ge nature of the business. Through changing their business environment they can attract many more customers for their business. Lets say due to the changing nature there is a huge social trend immerged for using products which are produced in the local market. Accordingly TESCO as a strategic planner have to identify the business requirements according to the social trend and give special consideration on marketing the good which re locally produced. Having proper management is the key indicator to identify the changes in the environment and to ensure organizational effectiveness. Lets take another example from Schuh foot ware. In organizational effectiveness all the parties should be benefited, accordingly the employees and as well the employer should be benefited. The winter season is critical time where it makes several changes in the business nature accordingly there is a huge demand created to the winter shoes. Therefore the organizations all the systems should be ready to cater to the social demand. Accordingly the machinery, the human resource, and the vehicles everything should be ready for the organizational performance, if all these systems are ready to supply to cater to the social demand only the organization becomes effective. So as per to address this organization should be effective and to ensure the organizational effectiveness there should be management where it plan, analyse, forecast and implement according to the necessary requirements. Accordingly analysis the validity of the first part of the statement it can conclude that its a correct statement because there is a strong affect of the management to ensure organizational effectiveness in a changing environment. After analysing the validity of the first part of the statement, we should analyse the second part of the statement which is integrating activity that permeates every facet of the operations of the organisation The second part of the statement merely informs that the organizational activities should be integrated where it covers all the areas of the business. And this statement is linked with the first part of the statement which says management is a cornerstone for organizational effectiveness. Actually this is a very vital and valid statement, because today in modern businesses intergraded approach and integrated management is mostly important for the organizational effectiveness. Integrated approach means the organization takes it all factors and resources as a system. This means in integrated approach all the resources and facts are identified as factors which has an effect on a change of any factor. Simply in integrated approach it identifies if there is a change in the human resource there is an affect for the machinery of the organization. As an practical example lets say that machine operates of an organization engage in a strike, as a result the machines are underutilized or not ut ilized then as the ultimate result the production flow breaks, likewise in integrated approach or in integrated management everything is analysed as a whole. But in traditional approached the resources are taken separately and just analyse the simple affect only. Actually this integrated approach is nothing it is almost similar as the modern school of thought of organizational effectiveness, which is system approach. Therefore integrated approach is a vital part in organizational effectiveness. When take the meaning of both parts of the statement it says that management with a proper integrated approach ensures organizational effectiveness in a modern changing environment. Actually this statement is a highly valid statement because without having management practices there is no organizational effectiveness and without having a integrated approach it is difficult to face to changing nature of todays modern businesses. Lets take an example to validate this statement. The growth and expansion of TESCO Plc indicates how this statement has been affected for them. Tesco is known as the British largest retailer by international sales an also local market. At the same time TESCO is the third main retailer of the world. The company was first established in 1919 by Mr. Jack Cohen. The company first appeared with the Tesco brand in 1924. The first supermarket of TESCO was opened in 1956. Within these 9 decades TESCO has made the horizons of their business and has become a giant in the market. The management of TESCO analysed the total business approach as a whole and implemented the integrated management as a practice in 1997. They understood that to ensure organizational effectiveness the business should be managed as an integrated approach and according to that the management style should be changed. They further analysed without being changed they cannot survive and grow in the business in such challenging and changing environment. As a result of their innovative thinking they introduced a new business strategy to diversify their business and it became the establishment of Tescos success in recent past. Accordingly the Tescos new business strategy addresses, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢To be a successful retailer in the international market à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢While being the leader in the market to ensure that their business core is in UK à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢To hold a strong position in non-food services as in food service. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢To be outstanding retailer in diversification in Tesco Personal Finance, Telecoms and à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Identify the community needs and cater according to that Accordingly currently the Strategies of Tesco is based on five main elements as Core UK, Community, Non-food, Retailing services, International. By considering all these facts and figures it can be concluded that this statement is a highly important and valid statement. Conclusion This report is all about organizational behaviour. The study analyses and provides valuable knowledge in the subject area. As in the first section of the study the student is given the more opportunity to study about theoretical aspect of the organizational behaviour, accordingly the study has been expanded to identify about the most critical factors which affect for organizational effectiveness. After that the student has to work on in identifying the obstacles for successful organizational performance and effectiveness and then to study about how we can overcome these barriers. As in the second part of the study it provides a more consideration for the student to get practical knowledge about the concept and accordingly he is required to critically assess and validate a statement on organizational effectiveness. Validating the statement provided a strong practical background on the study area. The assessment and validating through using examples is many more helpful to study the concept in a more practical manner. And also which has to be assessed is a highly valid statement for the organizational effectiveness. Accordingly as an overall conclusion it can be mentioned that this study covered a vast area of the subject area covering the both theoretical and practical aspect.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Hume and the Ethics of Virtue Essay -- Character Morals Aristotle Pape

I argue that Hume's ethics can be characterized as a virtue ethics, by which I mean a view according to which character has priority over action and the principles governing action: virtuous character guides and constrains practical deliberation. In a traditional utilitarian or Kantian ethics, character is subordinate to practical deliberation: virtue is needed only to motivate virtuous action. I begin by outlining this approach in Aristotle's ethics, then draw relevant parallels to Hume. I argue that virtuous character in Aristotle is understood in terms of "self-love." A true self-lover enjoys most the exercise of the characteristic human powers of judging, choosing, deciding and deliberating. A virtuous agent's self-love enables sizing up practical situations properly and exhibiting the virtue called for by the situation. But if an agent's character is defective, the practical situation will be misapprehended and responded to improperly. I argue that though Hume claims moral judgm ents are the product of sympathy, they are actually the result of a complex process of practical reflection and deliberation. Although Hume writes as though anyone can be a judicious spectator, there is reason to think that persons of calm temperament, who enjoy deliberation and have a facility for it, are more likely to perform the corrections in sentiments that may be necessary. If this is so, an agent's character has priority over his or her practical deliberations. I am interested in the general question of how to characterize Hume's ethics, in particular, in whether Hume can be seen to offer some version of a virtue ethics. Let me first explain what I take a virtue ethics to be. For a virtue ethics, the central question is: "What kind of perso... ... I follow the text of L. A. Selby-Bigge, 2nd ed., rev., ed. P. H. Nidditch, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1978. (9) I shall be concerned only with the Nicomachean Ethics (cited as "EN"). I follow the translation of Terence Irwin, Hackett Publishing, Indianapolis, 1985. (10) For a more detailed discussion of this interpretation of akrasia, see my "Aristotle on the Conflicts of the Soul: Toward an Understanding of Virtue Ethics", in A. Reath, B. Herman, and C. Korsgaard, eds. (note 4, above). (11) I do not mean to deny here that the virtuous person engages in deliberation or that she has formed particular practical principles as a result of deliberation. Nor do I wish to deny that she deliberates properly, in contrast to her non-virtuous counterparts. I mean only to uncover the non-rational conditions that cause her and other agents' deliberations to be as they are.